Reentry Service Landscape

In 2021, the Austin/Travis County Reentry Roundtable convened a Reentry Service Landscape workgroup with the following purpose:

Project Purpose

  • Identify organizations, programs, and services available to the reentry population in Travis County;
  • Identify organizations, programs, and services targeted at the reentry population in Travis County; and
  • Identify restrictions to accessing programs and services for the reentry population.

Long-Term Project Outcomes

  • Create a web-based application to provide updated information on reentry services in Travis County
  • Highlight existing connections and gaps among providers serving the reentry population
  • Highlight the need for more organizations to provide substantive and targeted services to the reentry population
  • Launch a community of practice of providers offering targeted reentry services in Travis County

The workgroup released a survey to reentry service providers, and collected responses from 56 programs across 35 organizations. Services were organized by these key domains: Employment, Training & Education, Civic & Community Services, Legal, Housing, Physical and Behavioral Health, Basic Needs, and Family.

To read the full report, please visit:

To navigate the reentry services webpage, please visit: 

This project was undertaken by the Austin/Travis County Reentry Roundtable in 2021 as part of its funding deliverables to the City of Austin and Travis County. Thank you to work group members David Clauss (American YouthWorks), Tess Fagle (Goodwill Central Texas), Carl Hunter (Building Promise USA), Lori Mellinger (Empowering Women Out of Prison), Hank Perret, Kaleigh Phelan (previously with ECHO), Matt Smith (Aunt Bertha), Don Tracy (ACC) for your time and contributions to this work.

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The Austin/Travis County Reentry Roundtable is collaborative promoting safe and healthy communities through effective reentry and reintegration of formerly incarcerated persons and individuals with criminal histories in Austin/Travis County, Texas.

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  • Reentry Advocacy Project