Who We Are
The Austin/Travis County Reentry Roundtable, modeled after the National Reentry Roundtable convened by the Urban Institute, is a community coalition of individuals directly impacted by the criminal legal system, academics, service providers, practitioners, community leaders, policymakers, and advocates working to address the challenges to effective reentry and reintegration.
The Austin/Travis County Reentry Roundtable works to promote a community that values and supports equity for formerly incarcerated persons and individuals with justice involvement.
In September 2003, the Roundtable’s initial Planning Council was formed, comprised of multiple city and county stakeholders. The first forum, held in April 2004, kicked off the organization with a plan to encourage reentry stakeholders to break down the silos in which they were operating. The Roundtable was formed as a strategy and venue for leaders to come together for more effective reintegration for those returning to our community. In 2024, the Roundtable underwent a governance restructuring and elected the inaugural Coordinating Committee. The majority of Coordinating Committee members are leaders with their own lived experience navigating the criminal legal system.
Our Vision and Mission
Our vision is a connected community that values and supports equity, well-being and upward mobility for persons impacted by the criminal justice system.
Our mission is to be a robust network that champions safe and healthy communities through effective reentry and reintegration of persons with justice system involvement by bringing reentry partners together to increase collaboration, reduce duplication, align efforts and strengthen the capacity of persons with justice system involvement and the reentry programs that serve them.
Our long-term outcome is all persons with justice system involvement have what they need to survive and thrive including access to housing, a stable income, a support network to connect them to needed resources, and access to pathways to upward mobility.
Who We Bring to the Table
Members include representatives from governmental agencies, academic institutions, community organizations and other nongovernmental entities, individuals with lived experience in the criminal justice system, and other community representatives.
Membership in the Roundtable is open to organizations and individuals who confirm their interest in supporting our mission and work.
If you are interested in membership, please contact the Nominating Committee at nominating-committee@reentryroundtable.org to learn more.

Our Structure
- Coordinating Committee - a body of stakeholder representatives that provides general oversight of the collaborative and assures that the work of the Roundtable is consistent with its mission, vision, and core values;
- Reentry Advocacy Project (RAP) - a council of formerly incarcerated individuals and reentry stakeholders that informs the ongoing work of the Roundtable;
- Work groups - focus on key strategic areas related to reentry: community engagement; navigation and diversion; and collateral consequences; and the
- Advocacy Fellowship Program - develops the leadership and professional skills of Fellows who have significant lived experience navigating the criminal justice system and reentering the community. The Fellows provide administrative, communications, planning, coordination, and advocacy/policy support.
Learn More
Get Involved
Successful reentry and reintegration requires the efforts of the entire community. Check out our calendar for ways to get involved with the Roundtable. We invite you to attend any of the following:
- Monthly Member Meetings
- Monthly Reentry Advocacy Project Meetings
- Special events
Sign Up for the Roundtable Newsletter
The Roundtable produces a monthly newsletter with filled with announcements, news, events, and resources related to reentry. Want to sign up for the newsletter? Please click here.
Click here to check out the newsletter archive.
Contact us for more information on how you can get involved with the Roundtable.